Okay, I admit it. I'm an introvert. Being an introvert doesn't necessarily mean that a person is shy or timid. It simply means that in order for us to recharge our batteries that we need alone time. We need to go off somewhere by ourselves with no one around. This week has been a busy week for me. Monday was especially hectic. I was trying to work on my next sermon and the phone kept ringing and people really needed to see me.
I don't have a problem with all of that, except that I get drained that way. I was really in need of quiet and peace. One thing that I find interesting is that Jesus too needed time away. Many times, you will find him going off somewhere to simply be who he is. This usually occurred after he had been with large crowds. Maybe he was an introvert too.
Anyway, by Wednesday evening I was completely drained. After I got finished at the church, Myranda and I went out and helped do some work around town and then we went home and ate supper. She called her mom and I went out in the back yard. Since the girls have been gone for the last two weeks, it has been especially quiet around our house. I sat out in the swing in the backyard and simply was a human being. I didn't "do" anything. I just was. As I sat there, I noticed that it was a little cooler than it usually is of an early evening in Haskell. I looked into the sky and there was a rain cloud forming almost right above me. I sat and watched it for awhile wondering if it would form into a nice summer storm. In a bit, it began to thunder and then it began to rain. It was the first rain I have seen since leaving Kentucky back in May. Before moving back home, I knew that Texas was in the midst of a drought, but I had no idea how bad it was until I got here. I watched the rain fall for about 15 minutes, thankful that we were getting a little bit of relief. I also remembered back to April when we received about 16 inches of rain in one month in Wilmore. Once again God reminded me of something.
Yes, it really does look like this... |
He reminded me that I am wired to receive renewal through my alone time. That's when the Spirit brings the living water into me. If I get too involved with others or if I get too busy with the doings of ministry then I become like the parched land of West Texas. My spirit becomes dried up and the winds of life consume me. However, as long as I continue to remain tuned into God through prayer, Bible reading, worship, and yes even time alone, the Word of God is given a chance to grow, mature, and take me on to perfection. This is not only for my good, it is also for the good of the community I serve.
The writer of Hebrews says it like this, "Ground that drinks up the rain falling on it repeatedly, and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it produces thorns and thistles, it is worthless and on the verge of being cursed; its end is to be burned over" (6:7-8). I gladly accepted both the actual rain and the spiritual rain that fell on me Wednesday evening. It rejuvenated my soul and helped me to continue on in ministry for the rest of the week. I thank the Father that he has indeed planted a good seed inside of me and inside every child of God. I thank the Spirit that he continues to bring life giving rain into my spiritual life and that he continues to grow that seed into perfection. I also thank Jesus Christ that he came to teach and to live a life as an example to us. I thank him for being that seed that was planted into the ground and then was made alive again to produce a healthy crop.
We continue to pray for rain here in Texas. I know that the rains will come and there will be great rejoicing and thanking God for his provision through and his end to the drought. But more importantly, I thank God that he continues to send spiritual rain to all people who truly seek the Kingdom of God. Until next time...
+May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
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