Some of you may be wondering why I am telling you all of this. I suppose it has to do with what we discussed this past week. When I look back at what God has done in my life over the last several years I don't always do a good job of remembering. I don't always remember my life as a member of the laity...when my entire focus was not on what takes place at church. I don't always remember the other side of the coin. But the truth is that most of my parishioners live a life outside the church. They have jobs, family, and social responsibilities that demand their time, energy, and even their finances. I guess my life gets so enmeshed with the church that I forget that.
But one thing that really spoke to me this week when I was preparing for the lesson is that ministry is (and should be) fun. A friend of mine always reminded people that we don't "have" to go to church...we "get" to go to church. I really like the way she always emphasized that. Oh, I know, ministry can sometimes be tiring. It can sometimes be stressful. It can pull us in ways that we never thought possible. But I have come to understand that God really does want us to enjoy ministry. He wants us to be fulfilled. He wants us to know that when we are doing the things he has called us into that our lives are made fuller, richer, and oh so much more...
This morning, I was reading from Ecclesiastes. In chapter 3, the author states "God has made everything fitting in its time, but has also placed eternity in their hearts, without enabling them to discover what God has done from the beginning to end. I know that there's nothing better for them but to enjoy themselves and do what's good while they live. Moreover, this is the gift of God: that all people should eat, drink, and enjoy the results of their hard work" (11-13). This verse made me think back to Genesis (before the fall). Whatever Adam and Eve were doing with their time, it was not viewed as "work." What they were doing was good. They cared for the garden as God intended for them to. It was only after the fall that humanity was required to work by the sweat of their brow.
But I think that when it comes to ministry that we are supposed to enjoy what we do. Now it might not always be "fun" but it should always be fulfilling. It might not always be "easy" but it should always make us feel complete. Sometimes the ministry we are involved in might seem overwhelming, but it shouldn't be impossible. I really believe that God wants us to enjoy the work we do and to enjoy the fruit of our labor. I think he wants us to get excited about visiting the sick and those in prison. He wants us to be thrilled to feed the hungry and help those in need. He wants us to be happy when we teach, preach, and study.
Take time to re-evaluate the ministries you are involved in. If they bring you joy and make you feel good about yourself...then rock on! But if you are filled with drudgery and a lack of enthusiasm, maybe you need a break. Take some time to meditate and pray about it. Maybe you just need an attitude adjustment (I know I do sometimes). But maybe God is calling you in a new direction. Our calling can change over time. And we should never stick with something that God is no longer calling us into.
Whatever you do, don't give up on ministry. It is too much fun to quit. Until next time...
+May your days be filled with richness for the glory of our Father, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit.
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This is great!!!