Thursday, September 1, 2011

For The Beauty Of The Earth

One of my parishioners sent me an interesting article this morning.  It was an article about something that the Pope stated the other day.  He was discussing art in all of its forms, painting, music, poetry, etc. and how when people are exposed to art they are also "invited by beauty to 'ascend to God.'"  I have to agree with him.  In my own life I have been exposed to various works of art.  I am always amazed at the gifts that some people are able to create with their own hands.  People are creative because God is creative.  He created the Heavens and the Earth and since we are made in his image, we also create.

But I think it goes beyond just creating something.  God speaks to us in so many amazing ways.  He loves people so much that he is trying to get our attention in what ever way that he can.  He seeks us out with his Holy Spirit and draws us to himself.  He does so out of his deep love and compassion for people.  Through all of creation we are beckoned to God and brought up to his very throne-room.

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to see him through the works of art, nature, or relationships.  Sometimes we choose to close our eyes to the great beauty surrounding us, both human-made and made by God.  When we lived in Kentucky, Myranda and I enjoyed going for drives through the Bluegrass during the spring and fall.  It was absolutely incredible to see the majesty and beauty of the world around us.  I don't know if people who were born and raised in that country ever truly appreciate it or not.

Kentucky Horse Farm outside of Danville, KY
On the other hand, being raised in West Texas, there is a unique beauty of in our country too.  Maybe it's not as evident this year as in other years, but it is there for us to see.  In the three years I lived in Kentucky I never saw a sunset that even came close to the sunsets that we have here in our part of the world.  In fact, because of the hills and trees, I'm not sure I ever saw a sunset at all.

West Texas sunset outside of Tahoka, TX
St. Paul tells us in Romans that "Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made."  Regardless of where we live, God reveals himself to us.  It is up to us to raise our eyes and look for him in all of creation.

Whether we are looking in art galleries, listening to fine pieces of music, reading heart warming poetry, or hiking through the natural world, let's look to see God's activity and his amazing calling card that he leaves for us to see him.  Until next time...

"Therefore, may our visits to places of art be not only an occasion for cultural enrichment--also this--but may they become, above all, a moment of grace that moves us to strengthen our bond and our conversation with the Lord, [that moves us] to stop and contemplate--in passing from the simple external reality to the deeper reality expressed--the ray of beauty that strikes us, that 'wounds' us in the intimate recesses of our heart and invites us to ascend to God.''--Pope Benedict XVI

+May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

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